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Platform description

BILLCRYPT pl is a global decentralized integration system for Blockchain-Representative offices (BR) A single multifunctional infrastructure uniting Blockchain Representative offices in the form of decentralized applications on the blockchain (DApp). A unique platform that combines all the advantages of the real world and the virtual space, the familiar Internet and blockchain. This is the next step in development - a virtual space with real possibilities. A convenient platform environment with a comfortable interface will allow everyone to most effectively develop their businesses integrated into the system through their own Blockchain Representation. 

The BILLCRYPT project aims to:

• To enable everyone to accumulate reliable representative information about themselves, create a reputation for absolute trust and present it in a clear visual form to interested customers, partners, contractors, customers, investors.
• Provide all users with reliable information, since the information gets into the blockchain once and for all, and is stored unchanged.
• Raise the level of decision-making security to an unprecedented level.
To create unity of the global space BR (Blockchain Representative offices): 
• provide technological opportunity to various existing and newly created blockchain integration solutions for connecting to a unified global network - the new generation Internet WEB 3.0
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On the Platform it will be possible:

• To conduct the necessary activities associated with the blockchain;
• Create your own Blockchain Representation;
• Select the properties and functions of the BR necessary to collect representative information about your business or product;
• Select information flows that will form the ViP;
• Create BR groups for various products, services and business lines, summarize representative information about each on the main ViP page (Virtual image Page);
• Choose whether a common ViP should be formed or separate for each product, service, business lines of a single business, or both types of ViP at the same time;
• Select the properties and functions of the BR necessary to collect representative information about your business or product;
• Select information flows that will form the ViP;
• Create BR groups for various products, services and business lines, summarize representative information about each on the main ViP page (Virtual image Page);
• Choose whether a common ViP should be formed or separate ViP for each product, service, business lines of a single business, or both types of ViP at the same time;
• Monetize ViP
• Tokenize your business;
• Create digital assets;
• Create additional financial flows for your business;
• Advertise your business;
• Attract funding;
• Conduct crowdsales of all types;
• To conduct a new intra-platform view of crowdsale - IVO (Initial ViP Offering);
• Get a ready-made extensive, constantly growing investor base;
• Find partners and investors, customers and interact with them;
• Promote each other economically, reaping multiple benefits from this due to the synergy effect;
• Create and maintain safe and reliable registers (production, storage, transportation, etc.)
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Investors will be able to:

• Receive reliable information about projects and companies, about the state of their business;
• Make more accurate investment decisions;
• Participate in crowdsales conducted using the platform on privileged terms.
• Participate in closed rounds. BILLCRYPT pl provides participants with ready-made integration solutions and resources:
• Infrastructure and technology for creating and managing virtual Blockchain Representation;
• Ready-made investment management solutions;
• Developers can create their own DApp and connect them to the platform, to receive a reward from the owners of BR. The platform features will also be useful for analysts, forecasters and consultants.
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For the effective functioning of the entire potential of the platform and the investment ecosystem, a universal digital asset of a new generation has been created - the Evolutionary BILLCRYPT Token of the ERC-20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain.

It`s simultaneously:

     • digital asset value storage,
     • a privileged club card that provides access to Blockchain representative offices and project functions,
     • a kind of ticket to enter the closed pre-sales of the system’s projects,
     • internal digital currency to pay for the functions of the Blockchain representative offices for which you can also acquire new crypto assets in the form of tokens of other projects. Each such token, in turn, also gives significant privileges to holders and users, and increases their welfare.
The constant development of the platform, the growing popularity of Blockchain representative offices, the increasing demand for tokens, provide Billcrypt with evolutionary properties and make it an indispensable financial tool.

The project creates a new super-economic model:

• Evolutionary token BILLCRYPT with embedded development functions and privileges for holders - a progressive financial instrument, a digital asset of value storage with payment functions within the system;
• Mutual settlements and mutual investment between Blockchain-offices within the platform;
• Payments by users of services and goods of Blockchain representative offices;
• Earnings opportunities for ordinary users within the system, performing the work and assignments offered by Blockchain Representations.
The BILLCRYPT project has set itself big, but realistic and achievable goals.
We are proud to announce that we are the first and only ones who proposed this concept, which will finally make blockchains necessary for literally everyone.


  • Privileged Portfolio Utility Token
  • ERC20 standard.
  • Decentralized valuable digital asset protected by smart contracts codes on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Еvolutionary digital financial asset
  • Infrastructure crypto project
  • Access to project features
  • Club Card Properties
  • Participants Public Pre-Sale receive greater bonuses
  • Secure your privileged conditions and the spot of the participant on the subsequent TokenSale (ITO).

Sign up

  • To get on the WhiteList of participants.
  • Whitelisters can participate as equal institutional investor


  • min 100 ETH
  • (BILC amount at the ETH rate at the time of payment)
  • min 20 000 BILC
  • Only 3 days will be available to buy any quantity.
  • Dates will be announced additionally. Registered members only
TOKEN SALE July 03 – Sept. 30, 2019, or when reach Hard cap
Price ITO - 1 BILC = 1 USD = 0.005 ETH
Soft cup = 10 000 000 USD = 50 000 ETH
Hard cup = 80 000 000 USD = 400 000 ETH
44% of the issue = 66,880,000 BILC will be available for sale on ITO
25% - development
25% - marketing
15% - stabilization fund
15% - scaling
10% - team
 5% - legal
 5% - administrative expenses


2016 - The emergence of the idea to create a unified multifunctional blockchain platform for existing enterprises, investment projects and investors.
2017 Concept formation; Technologies, tasks, solutions. 
Q2 2018 - Development of the project, the economic system and security system; Negotiations and conclusion of agreements with project partners, current participants of the investment group; Writing a Smart Contract for Token BILLCRYPT; Preparing for closed pre-sale;
June 27 launch of BILLCRYPT (test version);
Start of accepting applications for closed pre-sale, price: 1BILC = $ 0.5
Q3 2018 Test period; Continuing the development of the project, the economic system and the security system;
08 08 2018 issue BILLCRYPT - emission 152 000 000 BILC
Closed pre-sale: price 1BILC = $ 0.5
Minimum to purchase 10,000 BILC = $ 5,000
Conversion of investment funds from existing (early) investors to BILLCRYPT
Q4 2018
Continuing work on the project and economic system, WhitePaper v.1 development finished Creating a project site
October 18 - start of the final stage of the closed pre-sale
Price 1BILC = $ 0.6 Minimum to purchase 10,000 BILC = $ 6,000
November 18 - open pre-sale (acceptance of applications)
Price 1BILC = $ 0.75
Minimum to purchase 20,000 BILC = $ 15,000
Q1 2019 Project process modeling; Introduction of terms and concepts of BR and ViP; Creating innovation economic model; WhitePaper v.2; Negotiations with institutional investors.
Q2 2019 BR concept extension; Modeling of system processes; Introduction of term and concept of IVO (Initial ViP Offering); WhitePaper v.3; Language localization (French, Spanish, Korean, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, etc.)
Marketing, PR & advertising before the start of Token Sale; Connecting to the project key figures of the crypto world; Negotiations with institutional investors.
Q3 2019 ITO start 03.07.2019 в 13:15 UTC
Price 1 BILC = $ 1
Legal, Applications for exchanges, Completion ITO 30.09.2019 05:03 UTC or when the hard cup, Completing BILC Distribution, Exchange Listing
Q4 2019
Platform development, infrastructure, design, layout, MVP
Platform Integration with External Resources
BILLCRYPT exchange trades start
Development Economic BILLCRYPT
Q1 2020 Running test BRs on the platform; ViP testing; Increased market presence;
Q2 2020 The complex of works on the technical and economic development of the platform;
Test period BR & ViP
Q3 2020 Launch of all platform functions; Launch of BR with basic functions;
Launch of IVO (Initial ViP Offering); Start on the platform of partnership projects;
Start closed pre-sales of partnership projects from the pool;
Q4 2020 Launch full-featured BR; Integration solutions; Start open pre-sales partnership projects; Start ICO partner projects
2021 and further Expanding platform capabilities; World expansion BR & BILLCRYPT


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Evgeny Kulikov - Founder & CEO BILLCRYPT ; Head of Private Investors Group Rich-Invest 
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Siarhei Lutsenka - Director of Business Development
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Daniel Grieg - MANAGING DIRECTOR; TECH Team’s Coordinator  
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Zahid Imran Investment banker, TOP ADVISOR, ICO EXPERT, Representative in the UAE
Detail information:
AUTHOR: bounty.cvn
ETH address: 0x73C75b04a1E314EE89fA108241375bd3f6751C7f

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