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Image result for ICO HARMONY

The Harmony project is an advanced technology product that has its own Mainnet, which gives importance to scalability and wants to build a Network 10 times faster than existing systems. The project wants to minimize the processing time per second and wants to increase blockchain technology to the maximum level it can have. The presence of decentralized projects is an important element that is the basis of blockchain technology. 

The Harmony Project differentiates from other projects using decentralized infrastructure and manages to go one step further from them. The protocol layer adopts a share-based consensus protocol that scales as the number of nodes on the network increases. Each piece contains hundreds of nodes and uses a fast BFT algorithm to reach consensus within seconds. The network layer relies on the QUIC protocol to transmit messages as fast as possible. At the system level, Unikernel works to scale the operating system's performance on a single node.


Since the appearance of the first blockchain, much has changed. If earlier the world was familiar with only one cryptocurrency called Bitcoin, now there are thousands of them. Of course, each of them is only a continuation of one big idea, but nevertheless the sphere of blockchain technology is still developing. Announcing to us all new and new solutions.

*Technology Features*


Fully scalable: Harmony shares not only network communication and transaction verification, such as Zilliqa, but also the status of the blockchain. This makes the Harmony blockchain fully scalable.

Placement into a safe engine sequence: The process of placing Harmony can be proven through a unpredictable, unreachable, verifiable distributed generation (DRG) process. To find solutions to security problems quickly, he was able to quickly redistribute in many fields, including the Byzantine protocol.

Quick consensus: Unlike blocks based on other parts that require POWs to choose validators, Harmony is based on POS and hence saves energy. Consensus is achieved by a linear BFT algorithm that can be measured, which is 100 times faster than PBFT.

PoS adaptive threshold: The threshold for bets needed for a node to join a network is adjusted to the total number of bets so that dangerous bosses cannot gather their strength in one section. In addition, because the threshold is quite low, small stator can still join the network and win prizes.

Scalable network infrastructure: With the RaptorQ source code, Harmony can spread blocks quickly or over the network using the Adaptive Information Distribution algorithm.

The data market for scientists and programmers: thanks to Harmony technology, game developers, non-centralized stock markets, and artificial intelligence designers are in the same market space location.

Blockchain technology is still crawling like a child. Have a long way to be cheap. But there are several projects that can be shortened. Harmony Project has a special place that is different from other projects with decentralized infrastructure that is innovative and fully scalable. This project has a highly skilled and experienced team. The software team is aware of all the problems and comes with strong steps to move blockchain technology to a place that deserves it.

* Problems *

But no matter how good the primary task of the technology itself is, many already know that the speed, time and cost of transmission within the crypto-currency space are probably the most popular characteristics from which the user starts when choosing a particular blockchain. If earlier people did not have much choice and they used only the bitcoin blockchain, where over time their first shortcomings were noticed.

Naturally, there were those who modified the system and created their own Ethereum blockchain, where many indicators were improved, and the issue with additional security for the client, expressed by the accompanying smart contracts, was resolved. But the blockchain technology industry did not stop there, just a few years later such blockchain systems as EOS and IOTA appeared with their obvious advantages.

But as practice shows, no matter how good they are, they still do not have the perfect combination that would allow everywhere to meet the demand of an already demanding network user. For which it is important not only the security and speed of transaction processing, but also the high throughput of the system, with its further dynamic development.

Identifying these needs, the team of specialists, today's review, came to the conclusion, why not combine all the advantages of each individual blockchain network in a single system solution?! That they in principle and have made. So, I'm glad to introduce you HARMONY.

All of this is supported by the following aspects, which are inherent in HARMONY:

And the first thing I want to start is scalability. Developers have made every effort to ensure that their blockchain system meets not only all transactional verification requirements (such as Zilliqa, but also maintains the original state of the most important principles of the blockchain network;

The second most important element of the entire blockchain network is its security, which has been overcome by HARMONY developers by 100 percent, which provides its users with a randomly distributed process generation, actions that cannot be predicted, but can be verified and can be measured. This principle will protect all HARMONY blockchain systems from all types of fraud and hackers;

The third aspect is consistent with energy saving algorithms and all consensus that might be supported by POS frameworks. This system is not chosen by chance, because it will contribute to the linear scalability of the HARMONY blockchain;

Of course, HARMONY is inherent in other technical consensus studies that you can get deeper into their technical documents. Now I don't see the point in focusing too much on them. In general, the essence of the concept is clear.

* Token Details *

Symbol Token: TBACrowdsale Token Price: TBA

Hard Cap: TBA

Maximum market capitalization at the ICO is based on full dilution: TBA

Total Tokens For Sale: 4,200,000,000 (20% of Total Supply)

Date of Sales Token: TBA


FireShot Capture 404 - Harmony - Open consensus for 10B -






FireShot Capture 402 - Harmony - Open consensus for 10B -


Moreover, the segmented HARMONY Protocol has a positive effect on the DRG distribution system and other network algorithms, reducing the cost of electricity consumption and interacting safely with the entire environment. Which naturally lead to significant reductions in all transaction fees and increasing all the benefits of blockchain technology many times over. High-quality implementation of a powerful idea can fundamentally affect the further development of the entire blockchain technology, because absolutely any company can use the new HARMONY concept. No matter whether you want to store your data or monetization their business processes. And in either case, HARMONY will cope with its task at 100%.

Further information:

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