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mHealthCoin — Health Data Storage Platform and Blockchain-Based Analysis

mHealthCoin — Health Data Storage Platform and Blockchain-Based Analysis

MHEALTHCOIN is a cryptocurrency platform built on sophisticated facilities to revolutionize the healthcare industry by collecting medical data from platform users, so users can have a complete understanding of their health status to stay fit and lead a healthier life, as well as offering incentives in the form of a gift. with MHEALTHCOIN “You think you stay healthy” means that before an illness becomes too serious in the body or even gets in with the help of mhealthcoin, you can be proactive in preventing this disease does not affect you with devices designed by the team to remind you at any time.
Our mission
We believe that everyone in the world must be aware of their own health, regardless of their age, weight or even size. But, in reality, most people are likely to be aware of their state of health until they become ill, of a serious illness, of abnormal conditions or other forms of “disease” instead of to try to prevent it in the previous stage.
Our mission is to provide a platform with more diverse data collected so that users can understand their own health status in order to gain incentives by improving their health status or by becoming aware of their own health. The goal of this project is to develop a global ideology of proactive awareness of one’s own health. How to stay in shape and look healthy, despite an unstoppable increase in age every day in the human race, is a challenge that everyone seeks to directly and indirectly solve, this challenge concerns all those who also ask about how we can develop the habit of maintaining health so that we can all enjoy the earth’s natural resources for long periods of time and become more relevant in our daily lives.
After much research on health issues, MHEALTHCOIN aims to create solutions using blockchain technology to create a globally healthy ecosystem.
Enjoy the fun
Portable devices allow you to enjoy training and sharing with others.
  1. FOR KIDS. The GPS trace function is added so that parents can locate their children
  2. FOR OLD PEOPLE. SOS is added for seniors to use in emergencies and asks for help to monitor their physical situation
  3. FOR SPORT. A digital training system designed to keep users fit and motivated for life, offers a diverse exercise instruction video that will build a series of exercises based on individual goals and training preferences
  4. IOT FOR HOME DEVICE. In order to provide users with a unique solution for a smarter lifestyle, IoT technology will be developed for our smart devices at a later stage. Users can control their connected home anywhere on mHealthcoin APP or even on mobile devices
Token name: mHealthCoin Symbol: MHEC
Issuance amount: 4,000,000,000
Minimum Purchase: 0.1 ETH or 0.003175 BTC
Particulars: ERC-20(Ethereum-Based token)
Goal: USD 25,000,000
Soft cap: 4,000 ETH or 127 BTC or equivalent value
Private sale: 10th December, 2018 to
31st December, 2018
Crowdsale start date: 1st January, 2019
ICO end date: 30th April, 2019
Allocation of Token

ICO Team

Andy Yuen
CEO at mHealthCoin
Viaceslavas Ruck
CTO at mHealthCoin
Michael NgDirector
Alvis Jean
Engineering Specialist

Justas Paker
marketing manager

To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

bitcointalk forum username: typhucoin2
Profile Link:;u=2359472
My wallet addres: 0x5fFa08cf190089cd35F80E4F9514AD42Ab52DBFa

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