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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2019

mHealthCoin — Health Data Storage Platform and Blockchain-Based Analysis

mHealthCoin — Health Data Storage Platform and Blockchain-Based Analysis MHEALTHCOIN is a cryptocurrency platform built on sophisticated facilities to revolutionize the healthcare industry by collecting medical data from platform users, so users can have a complete understanding of their health status to stay fit and lead a healthier life, as well as offering incentives in the form of a gift. with MHEALTHCOIN “You think you stay healthy” means that before an illness becomes too serious in the body or even gets in with the help of mhealthcoin, you can be proactive in preventing this disease does not affect you with devices designed by the team to remind you at any time. Our mission We believe that everyone in the world must be aware of their own health, regardless of their age, weight or even size. But, in reality, most people are likely to be aware of their state of health until they become ill, of a serious illness, of abnormal conditions or other forms of “disease” in...

LOLCOIN – The Future Of Education

Education is a segment that is similarly as critical as health services and financial sector, and there are loads of territories inside this division that could be improved utilizing innovation. The market for edutech is developing rapidly, and is assessed to reach $93.76 billion all around by 2020. As of now, instruments like computer generated experience and customized learning with man-made consciousness are improving learning results for understudies at all dimensions. People from ancient times instilled the value of education, which was originally passed from mouth to mouth, then formed a small flow, then the school, and after all grew into large Institutions and Universities, where every person who craves knowledge had the opportunity to get them in full. Of course, now the education system has not changed much, as the principle of knowledge supply remains the same. But here's the problem he has become much much more. Smart classroom aren't excessively distant, and b...


Match Billion Match Billion Match Billion Semua  orang tentu mengenal permainan ini, karena memang ini adalah permainan  yang sangat menyenangkan dan bukan permainan baru bagi kita yang sudah  dengan permainan gambling, mungkin kita semua lebih mengenalnya dengan  permainan Powerball. Anda bisa melihat jackpot yang sangat besar dan  semua orang memiliki peluang untuk memenangkannya. Match Billion  datang dengan sebuah pembaruan yang luar biasa. dirancang dengan lebih mudah dan menggunakan teknologi yang lebih baik.  Match Billion   menghadirkan permainan Powerball lebih menyenangkan dengan  cryptocurrency dn teknologi blockchain. penggunaan teknologi blockchain  tentunya itu membuat permainan Powerball di  Match Billion  menjadi  lebih transparan. Harus di ingat hanya hodler MDL token yang bisa  berpartisipasi dalam permainan, mereka yang tidak mempunyai MDL token  tidak bisa mengikuti permaina...