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The DigitalBits Project Introduce

The DigitalBits Project IntroduceDigitalBits Ecosystem
DigitalBits™ is an open-source project supporting the adoption of blockchain technology by enterprises. The technology enables enterprises to tokenize assets on the decentralized DigitalBits blockchain; transfer & trade those tokenized assets on-chain; and enables fast payments & remittances.

The DigitalBits Foundation supports the DigitalBits open-source project by providing development resources, infrastructure, events and education. The Foundation’s vision is to see the DigitalBits blockchain help solve portability, security and liquidity issues with certain digital assets, such as Loyalty and Rewards programs, and help generate additional value for consumers, businesses and certain charitable organizations.

The DigitalBits blockchain network is for anyone to use. Anyone is able to create digital assets (also known as digital tokens) that are 100 percent portable/transferable on this decentralized network. When enterprises tokenize their loyalty points on this network, consumers will receive points in the form of digital tokens.

Users can trade these various digital tokens (e.g. token A for token B) directly on-chain along with the blockchain’s native digital asset called “digitalbits” or XDB. The decentralized DigitalBits Network requires no centralized middlemen to impose excessive fees. Transfers take only a few seconds and require only a nominal fee.

Using the DigitalBits network, you can build mobile wallets, banking tools, smart devices that pay for themselves, and just about anything else you can dream up involving payments! Even though DigitalBits is a complex distributed system, working with it doesn’t need to be complicated.

API: Frontier
Most applications interact with the DigitalBits network through Frontier, a RESTful HTTP API server. Frontier gives you a straightforward way to submit transactions, check accounts, and subscribe to events. Because it’s just HTTP, you can communicate with Frontier using your web browser, simple command line tools like cURL, or the DigitalBits SDK for your favorite programming language.

The easiest way to install Frontier is by using DigitalBitsOrg/quickstart docker image. maintains JavaScript, Java, and Go-based SDKs for communicating with Frontier. There are also community-maintained SDKs for Ruby, Python, and C#.

Network Backbone: DigitalBits Core
Behind the scenes, every Frontier server connects to DigitalBits Core, the backbone of the DigitalBits network. The DigitalBits Core software does the hard work of validating and agreeing with other instances of Core on the status of every transaction through the DigitalBits Consensus Protocol (SCP). The DigitalBits network itself is a collection of connected DigitalBits Cores run by various individuals and entities around the world. Some instances have a Frontier server you can communicate with, while others exist only to add reliability to the overall network.

The easiest way to install DigitalBits Core is by using DigitalBitsOrg/quickstart docker image.

You might want to host your own instance of DigitalBits Core in order to submit transactions without depending on a third party, have more control over who to trust, or simply to help make the DigitalBits network more reliable and robust for others.

Big Picture: The DigitalBits Network
The DigitalBits network is a worldwide collection of DigitalBits Cores, each maintained by different people and organizations. The distributed nature of the network makes it reliable and safe.

All these DigitalBits Cores—the network of nodes—eventually agree on sets of transactions. Each transaction on the network costs a small fee: 100 nibbs (0.00001 XDB). This fee helps prevent bad actors from spamming the network.

To help you test your tools and applications, operates a small test network and Frontier instance. Get started with the testnet.

Detail about project you can find at link below: 

Website :
Whitepaper :
Facebook :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Ann Thread :

Bicointalk name: typhucoin2
Bicointalk URL:;u=2359472
MEW : 0x5fFa08cf190089cd35F80E4F9514AD42Ab52DBFa

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