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Monero Rings

Worldwide Open Source Project

Monero Rings is a global open-source project promising to deliver a true private cryptocurrency that scales. Monero Rings facilitates the desire to have a truly private and decentralized cryptocurrency that is also quick and easy for everyday use.

Why design a new currency based on Monero?

Monero [XMR] is known for its highest standards of anonymity and privacy. At the same time, it is facing many challenges:

- Slow processing speeds: average confirmation time for a transaction is circa 20 minutes.
- Large transaction size: 50x larger than Bitcoin transactions due to complex cryptography.
- Impossibility to scale: as new users join the network, it works slower.
- Lack of GUI: having to use a command line scares away users.
- Inefficient mining: covert ASIC mining and concentration of the hashrate by GPU pools.
Sometimes that punk rock of Indonesia to plays as the excessive on reference with the possession of resource on wallet of the bitcoin token. As the offers from the MONERO RINGS developer might helps with one on consideration as players of the internet token games to work on evaluation as the chance on winning from the release of drawing on chart with the monero token on excessive with the reason of the hard fork to gives with the contrast of opponential drawing as developer to prepare on exchange with submission as fulfilling numbers on balance with the new blockchain server of the ERC20 token of the name with the label of XMR
Q4 2018
Concept development, creation of the core team, designing the official wallet.
Q1 2019
Hard fork at block #1781500 (February 28, 2019) and airdrop distribution of XRM coins, start of the bounty campaign, listing XRM at major exchanges, work on multi signatures for the wallet, support of other digital assets (XMR, BTC, ETH, Zcash, etc.)
Q2 2019
Introduction of multisig, preparation for the launch of PoS mining; introduction of fiat deposits and withdrawals inside the wallet.
Q3 2019
Test launch of PoS, work on the adaptation of Reusable Payment Codes; adding a currency converter/exchange service.
Q4 2019
Mainnet launch of PoS, beta testing of payment codes, start of work on the Lightning Network-like solution.
Q1 2020
Launch of Reusable Payment Codes, testing the Lightning Network scaling solution, work on a hard wallet.
Q2 2020
Launch of the Monero Rings cold storage wallet.
Basic facts:
Symbol: XRM
Block height: 1781500
Fork date: February 28, 2019 (forecast)
Airdrop allocation ratio: 2 to 1
Emission: 30 million
Distribution: 70% airdrop, 20% development, 10% bounty
Mining: yes – PoW with added elements of PoS
Maximum intended supply: unlimited
Official wallet: yes
If might with interest to put of funds on exchange for the hard fork challenge please visit :
Username BitcoinTalk : typhucoin2
ETH : 0x5fFa08cf190089cd35F80E4F9514AD42Ab52DBFa

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