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MINDSYNC - A decentralized AI based platform

MINDSYNC - A decentralized AI based platform

I have written about this project in blogger, but because this project in my opinion is interesting and there are many investors who want to invest in this project, then I try to write back here and hopefully my customers here enjoy it and love to read it and you all want to invest On this project so you get the benefit and know more.
Let's look at my writing by enjoying a cup of coffee and also a small cake that has been served by our beloved wife.
Nowadays when people say "the Great Financial Revolution" they are definitely referring to cryptocurrency, blockchain and Bitcoin technology. These concepts have shocked the world with the latest approaches and many benefits. If you are not sure, you should know that the cryptocurrency market capital is increasing rapidly every second. Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrency lives online and is not controlled by any company or government. They also have higher monetary values ​​than traditional currencies. Bitcoin prices have doubled in a month and are up 180% since the beginning of 2017 due to the increasing demand for cryptocurrency worldwide.
Because of the growth of electronic money, more and more electronic money exchanges are carried out. There are currently more than 200 electronic money. Not surprisingly, more and more companies want to join the growing market and this potential to get maximum benefits while serving the needs of users of electronic money. However, they will not be able to stand out if they offer the same function or value, so users must look for other products if they really want to contribute to something valuable. for a long time.
Most of the world of cryptocurrency technology like Bitcoin relies on database forms with the advantage of being able to track the volume of large and secure transactions. The technology used by many digital currencies is Blockchain.
The Blockchain was first implemented in 2009, and was revolutionized with the Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. Blockchain technology consists of blocks that make transactions, where each block is interconnected through cryptography, thus forming a network.
Along with technological developments, cryptocurrency in the future has become an increasingly attractive proposition in the market and may not have traditional banking infrastructure.
Some developing countries in the world have even implemented Blockchain-based national currencies, such as Bitcoin, and this technology is also used by several large projects to help those who do not have bank accounts.
And Blockchain also has the potential to be used outside the scope of digital currencies, and attracts many traditional financial institutions to be adopted.
Let's see what is the newest project from the world of digital currency ???
Mindsync is a decentralized AI-based platform where people can be used in developing customers as experts, developers or services to create or share AI services as value.
Mindsync is a platform for completing customer tasks with AI technology competition and markets for solutions and training data sets. Our mission is to bring together the best artificial intelligence and hacking experts, data scientists, machine learning developers, big data, and computing power suppliers, investors, volunteers in one place to make AI solutions better available, cheaper, simpler for various customers , accelerating its development and creating a world market for AI solutions.
Customers post orders or assignments in the form of challenges on the https://mindsync.aiplatform , with detailed requirements, data sets, deadlines. Prizes will be shared among several platform participants.
Experts help customers prepare tasks, competition rules, examine solutions for tasks and get rewarded for such work.
DS / ML developers work on shared or group assignments. The competitive nature of their work maximizes the speed of development, quality and significantly reduces the cost of solutions for customers. The accepted solution developer automatically receives the award in accordance with the rules.
All datasets and kernels (task solutions) are hashed. Hash is stored on the blockchain to check integrity and protect against changes. Solution expert reviews, developer ratings and teams are written and stored on the blockchain (for added security from ranking forgery).
Customers get the best solution for their tasks - algorithms and data along with expert reviews. Customers can post paid solutions on our platform to receive additional revenue from sales.
To find a solution, developers use the miner's computing power, fog supercomputer projects, cloud providers or exchange resources. This process, provided by the platform, is transparent to developers and they can focus solely on the task. Computing power suppliers receive payments immediately after the use of their resources.
Communities can also post their own algorithms and data for free or for sale at
And Investors can become sponsors of challenges and teams, pay prize funds and earn income from selling solutions. Investors can also receive part of the prize fund if they function as sponsors for teams that take part in the challenge.
Offering a single platform handling real-world problems, paid or free. The solution is made by the AI, DS, ML community: You place orders for solutions that contain AI technology; developed by members of our community, a complete test and launch on our platform. It is also possible to integrate it into an existing business or other area.
Customers can order a completely new AI solution or use one of the ready-enterprise solutions from our repository which is ranked by Mindsync community experts who save a lot of time and also apply it to other more complicated challenges on the platform.
AIaaS APIMindsync Platform:
It is possible to run a production-ready solution internally and make a request for it to use the API without applying it on an external server, that is on your side. This makes it possible to create scalable applications using AI with unlimited theoretical computing power for any device.
Name: Mindsync
Price: $ 0.14
Platform: Ethereum
Total tokens: 1,000,000,000
Symbol: MAI
The total token is distributed to the public: 500,000,000
Type: ERC20
Receive: ETH, BTC, LTC

Mindsync tokens are designed to invest in platforms, access AI solutions and reward participants such as machine learning developers, experts, volunteers and researchers, computing power and big data providers. Mindsync Tokens is the ERC20 utility token. The number of tokens is limited. Mindsync tokens are set to run on decentralized blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security of all financial transactions.
Author: typhucoin2
ETH Address: 0x5fFa08cf190089cd35F80E4F9514AD42Ab52DBFa

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