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IMUSIFY - The Smart Music Economy

What is Imusify?

Imusify is an award-winning music platform that invents the global music industry to free music performers, music lovers, and music entrepreneurs. imusify’s self-publishing platform builds a smart music economy, regardless of whether it means imusify, also able to finance a music-making project as well as recording music. It creates an efficient system for artists and content creators to network and collaborate while maintaining direct ownership of their work.

Major problems
Challenges facing artists in the music industry are high. Main problems are, artists have to wait more time for the receive the payment for their creations. One million streams on Spotify generated an average revenue of less than $5,000 in 2017, and the artists had to wait up to 24 months to receive the payout. Streaming services are growing, but the business industry as a whole failed to adopt. Quick access and global nature of the services caused problems with digital rights management, payment transparency, and monetization of content. As a result, most artists/musicians are not fairly compensated, despite the fact that their music is enjoyed by more people than ever.

Imusify Solutions
The Imusify has great solutions for these problems. IMUSify will facilitate direct contact between artists, fans and other stakeholders and build an integrated ecosystem. Imusify proposes a solution. Imusify platform integrates the best practices of streaming, media sharing, crowdfunding, and social networks to create an ecosystem in which the artists, fans, and music professionals can interact with one another on a decentralized marketplace. The underlying technology allows for tracking of the stream of content, and the smart contracts ensure a fair and immediate distribution of payouts. And also the content is reviewed automatically to determine copyright ownership, and digital identity tracking is used to prevent fraud. Users in the platform have various potential streams of income, creating a marketplace for digital content, goods, and services, instantaneous transactions with secure.

Features of the imusify project
  • User can Crowd-fund your music project
  • User can Support your favorite artist
  • User can Discover new music
  • User can Play your favorite tracks
  • User can Collaborate with anyone anywhere
  • User can Get exclusive tickets to see
  • User can Connect with your fans
  • User can Get paid for your innovative services
The Imusify Platform Details
Through Imusify's smart reward and compensation system, IMU is either rewarded for contributing to the platform or used as a currency for exchanging digital assets and services. By foundation trust and transparency between artists, supporters, fans, and industry service providers; the imusify ecosystem emerges.
Imusify platform uses a combination of innovative protocols and frameworks to facilitate a direct peer-to-peer connection between artists, fans, and other stakeholders. The Imusify platform integrates the best practices of traditional crowdfunding, streaming, media sharing, economic and social networks. Imusify removes the need for existing intermediaries, resolving inefficiencies, providing transparency, and ensuring everybody are fairly rewarded for their contribution.
The Imusify project use cases include:
  • Artist crowdfunding,
  • Transparent artist royalty payments,
  • Incentivized content curation,
  • Open-source development and network collaboration.

IMU Token

Imusify tokens(IMU) are used as the engine to support imusify’s multi-layered, decentralized music economy. This will create an immense potential value for the IMU token’s use throughout imusify’s infiltration into the industry. Through Imusify's smart reward and compensation system, ϑ IMU is either rewarded for contributing to the platform or used as a currency for exchanging digital assets and services. IMU Token will become highly valued and popular. Using IMU Tokens, you will receive better exchange rates and get some special offers. As Imusify grows extremely fast, the tokens will be in a great demand. 

Price 1 IMU : 0.05 $
Pre ico 1 IMU : 0.044 $
Total source code provided: IMU
Softcap: 1.000.000 $
Hardcap: 25.000.000 $
Bonuses : Available
MVP / Prototype : Available
Platform : NEO platform
Country : Estonia
Whitelist / KYC & White List
Restricted areas : United States, Canada, China, Korea, Singapore

Token Allocation

Road Map

Imusify Team

More details

Web site:

White paper:





Author Details : typhucoin2

Bitcointalk profile :;u=2359472

Thanks for the reading.

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