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zeosX- First Cryptocurrency Bank

zeosX World First Cryptocurrency Bank💰 


The Blockchain technology is taken seriously by the financial sector, as it can become a major disruptor of the traditional banking sector. The unchanging and inviolable nature of the blockchain makes it the ideal solution to reduce costs and simplify everything from payments to transactions, securities issues, retail banking, clearing, settlement, etc.
It is becoming clear that the blockchain technology is much more than Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. While implementations such as payment and monetary systems are certainly disruptive, the greatest disruption could come from other uses of these unique and powerful features.
zeosX is a decentralized crypto bank aiming to revolutionize the traditional banking industry. Our cutting-edge technological system is built based on a powerful finance ecosystem which consists of futuristic banking components.
  1. Borrow with or without collateral
  2. Superior crypto mobile wallet
  3. Luxurious and stunning quality cards
  4. Investments, auction, and lending
    Taking a cue from cryptocurrencies, we can see, as stated below, the problems it has solved in general.
What is zeosX?
zeosX is a decentralized platform aiming to revolutionize the traditional banking industry. Our cutting edge technological system is built based on a powerful finance ecosystem which consists of the futuristic banking components.
Why choose zeosX platform?

Real-time military grade security
Platform security will always be our top priority. zeosX consists of multiple layers of protection, providing clients with seamless user experience.

High-performance crypto fortress
Clients’ crypto assets will be safely secured in a deep cold storage vaults. Confidential information can never be accessed by anyone.

Monthly ZeoAirdrops
Beside producing monthly passive income, ZEOS tokens also offer clients with bountiful benefits such as additional discounts on collateral loan.
Crypto Loan
The zeosX Card
Crypto Exchange
Crypto Mobile Wallet

Extremely low fees
Borrow, store and spend crypto instantly with very low fees.

Effortless deposit and withdrawal
Various methods of deposit and withdrawal through local currencies.

ZeoPay is a decentralized payment system suitable for daily transactions. Entrepreneurs can also integrate ZeoPay to take their businesses to the next level.
The zeosX card

Monthly savings interest rate
Grow your overall crypto portfolio by holding ZEOS tokens.

Earn cashback and ZeoPoints
Rewards can be redeemed for various mouth-watering prizes.

Premium limited edition cards
Get our Plasma Sapphire and Spectral Infinite cards to enjoy complimentary benefits such as exclusive access to zeosX’s priority royale solitaire club.
Plasma Sapphire

Celestial Indigo

Magma Red
Dysprosium Green

Crystal Blue
zeosX Loan
Investors can choose whether they want to borrow with or without collateral. Our collateral loan allows clients to get dollars fast without selling any of their crypto-assets. The non-collateral loan also rewards clients with ZeoPoints for early repayment.

zeosX Hub
A decentralized banking platform with transparent fees, the all-in-one zeosX Hub enables investors to auction their collaterals ranging from valuables such as jewelries to even properties.

A whole new level of crypto insurance awaits you! Choosing the right plan has never been easier with just a few clicks. Secure your future and protect your loved ones now!

The next evolution of p2p lending. ZeoLend offers liqudity investors a higher lending interest rate to lend crypto to borrowers. Grow your crypto portfolio now!
Company Roadmap
  • Coming up with idea
  • Developing business concepts
  • Whitepaper development
  • Making of team and website
  • Market research
  • Development of crypto-backed p2p loan
  • Design The zeosX Cards, mobile app and marketplace
  • Enable affiliate program and KYC/AML
  • Finalize zeosX marketplace and mobile app
  • Introduce saving and lending accounts
  • Enable reward system
  • Start of private-presale
  • Beta launch of zeosX marketplace and mobile app
  • Development of saving and lending accounts
  • Design zeosX blockchain for cards to operate
  • Start of presale
  • Launch zeosX marketplace and mobile app
  • Finalize crypto-backed p2p loan
  • Obtain license and other legal paperworks
  • Big partnerships and start of crowdsale
  • List zeosX on exchanges
  • Launch saving and lending accounts
  • Start of crypto-backed p2p loan
  • Introduce ZeoPay and crypto insurance
  • Introduce zeosX POS device
  • Link zeosX POS device to cards
  • Distribute zeosX cards to investors
  • Start ZeoPay and crypto insurance
  • Market Analysis
Token Sale Information
Current Phase: Private Sale
Start Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2018 20:00:00 GMT
End Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 23:55:00 GMT
Hard cap: 44000 ETH
Soft cap: Not Applicable
Token: ZEOS
Bonus: 30 %
Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 3900 ZEOS
Project protocol: ERC20
Token Distribution
Use of Funds
Please visit the site below:
Username BitcoinTalk : typhucoin2
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2359472
ETH : 0x5fFa08cf190089cd35F80E4F9514AD42Ab52DBFa

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