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Saturn - Liquidity provider for crypto markets Cross-chain & Exchange OTC trading platform

Saturn - Liquidity provider for crypto markets Cross-chain & Exchange OTC trading platform
The place to Share Information About Cryptocurrencies


     Saturn is a platform for liquidity providers for the crypto market Cross-chain & Exchange OTC trading platform which is a direct cross-exchange of crypto assets using a decentralized Protocol - the symbiosis of the ease of direct atomic exchange and the reliability of third-party guarantors. Legal and safe transactions for crypto market participants.

       The Saturn direct atom exchange protocol system makes it possible to switch to crypto, an incompatible blockchain, and no third party interaction. For example, through atomic transactions, it is possible to exchange Bitcoin with Litecoin directly from the wallet. While Swap exchange protocol support ensures the execution of updated transactions by parties that transact or cancel transactions, this is if the terms of the bilateral transaction are not fulfilled.


      Seeing the rapid growth of capitalization in the crypto market from over 800 billion USD to under 200 billion USD, the total cost of crypto assets decreased by 75%. Some assets have lost up to 90% of the value, and some have been removed from the exchange list.
Saturn comes aiming to create safe, fair and transparent digital asset trading using an ecosystem built on a symbiotic system of comfort & security of atomic exchanges directly from crypto-assets and the reliability of third-party guarantors.

      Our goal: creating a new market, Liquidity and safe over-the-counter. Saturn
launch the Exchange Platform and OTC Trading for Cryptocurrency based
cross-chain exchange Swap atom protocol which is only reported by the blockchain transaction commission and in Saturn service there will be an additional commission, which reaches 0.2% for exchange transactions, 0.5 - 5% for over-the-counter transactions and 1 - 5% for
auction transaction. Final commission requirements will be approved at the launch of the Saturn release in accordance with the roadmap. Also, for some assets, our company will
Mandiri provides two-way liquidity, generating profits in the form of price spreads. The Saturn team plans to provide P2P exchange services for traders, investors, companies and brokers.
  With that aim SATURN will have a competitive advantage from the platforms that already exist today including:
  •  Reducing risk compared to traditional exchange. Send crypto assets to exchange addresses, merchants trust third-party security. We will not remind you of hacking cases, you might listen to this, and maybe you yourself are a victim of hacking. Trusting Crypto assets to be exchanged, it is not certain that they are 100% safe. The exchange has the right to block funds without giving reasons, sometimes freezing withdrawals and sometimes closing. Making transactions through the Swap protocol, players do not send crypto assets to the exchange. The coins remain in the client's wallet until the transaction conditions are met by the partner. Improved security is a fundamental difference in Saturn's approach to making deals.
  • Speed. Saturn, because of the specificity of software architecture, is as fast as allowing blockchains from exchanged assets and internet connections. If we consider the stages of deposit and withdrawal of assets, for example, Ethereum, in traditional crypto exchanges, that is what we get
  • The market is divided according to the specifications and volume of transactions. Besides creating exchange traditional crypto, the release planned to be the last item on our roadmap, the Saturn team, first of all, intends to launch services for major players, investors, and providers payment in crypto currency. After studying the transaction specifications for different volumes, we identify exchange over-the-counter services, remember increasing demand for crypto assets from professional investors. Instrument derivative trading is increasingly popular based on crypto asset quotes, such as Bitcoin, increases market demand for guaranteed term assets. Saturn's goal in this process is to ensure direct contact between the seller and the buyer and ensure the security of transactions in automatic mode while maintaining the anonymity of the party.


Standard Token - ERC-20 Ethereum
XSAT Contract address:
0x0d9e614937a308438337a2999acf64fc86bf098a (Don't send anything to this address!)

One problem is 1 000 000 000 XSAT, block 6721202
75% is planned to be sold at the Sales Token.
• Private Sales. November-December 2018
Up to 250,000,000 XSAT
25% of shares
Price of 1 XSAT = $ 0.075
* Payments received: BTC, ETH, EOS, BCH, LTC, XMR, XRP, DASH.
Not allocated in the Personal sales token, but will be offered for sale at
Pre-sale stage and at Pre-sale prices.
• Pre-sale. The announcement in December 2018
Up to 250,000,000 XSAT
25% of shares
Price of 1 XSAT = 0.1 $
* Payments received: BTC, ETH, EOS, BCH, LTC, XMR, XRP, DASH.
Not allocated in pre-sale tokens, but will be offered for sale at the stage
General sales and General sales prices.

• Public Sales. 1Q 2019
Up to 250,000,000 XSAT
25% of shares
Price of 1 XSAT = $ 0.125
* Accepted for payment: more than 300 cryptocurrencies (See a full list at
For questions about Sales Tokens, you can write to us
25% is not planned to be sold as part of the Sales Token:
• Reserves for the development and launch of services in accordance with the Roadmap
Up to 50,000,000 XSAT
5% stock
• Bounty Program
100,000,000 XSAT
10% stock
• Distribution for the project team
100,000,000 XSAT
10% stock




Bitcointalk Name: typhucoin2
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2359472
Telegram User Name: @Crypto_BN
ETH - address: 0x3008096C90Aa166949c1Fd1df39B777A7EE458Ea

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