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HubrisOne , is a crypto currency wallet and a traditional phat bank account, is integrated into powerful, smart, adjustable and compatible digital Apple, and Android applications. 
HubrisOne , this mobile application that will completely revolutionize the dynamics between the crypto currency and the banking sector. Currently, there is almost no trust between traditional banking users and crypto-currency users. We plan to connect the traditional banking sector with crypto currency and provide these services to the masses through an open, honest and completely reliable infrastructure that is easy to use and easy to understand, both for new participants in the crypto currency market and for veterans. The HubrisOne command , represents a functional token known as the Hubris token (HBRS) , which will be used in the HubrisOne application, and infrastructure, saving the cost, in such a way as to transfer funds, access the platform, discounts and use as a form of payment combined with HubrisOne debit cards.
Banks around the world are unable to meet the expectations of their customers, and people need to be aware of alternative payment methods. The problems of the banking sector, which can be solved with a crypto-currency merger:

Old-fashioned and outdated verification systems – up to 20 minutes of waiting time
Lack of new and innovative communication channels – not live chat
Slow and outdated payment systems
No payments spent on weekends
Unnecessary overdraft fee and missed payments
Long waiting time for a new card or pin code
HubrisOne   transfers the banking sector to the digital age, with the integration of crypto currency and technology blocking. When you send money to another place, another country, when transferring money, banks can charge a commission of up to 13% on each transfer to purchase another currency. For example, in Russia such a commission will be from 1.5% to 2%.
With the platform and the HubrisOne application  we will avoid all problems inherent in the banking sector and increase the speed of acceptance through the crypto currency integrated into digital bank accounts, thereby “kill two birds with one stone”.
HubrisOne  will work on two blockrooms, this is the ERC20 Ethereum for  ICO and as a utility for accessing HubrisOne functionsand Stellar’s blockbuster for international, instant payments. Imagine that the conversion and transactions of Fiat into the crypto currency will be carried out in several clicks, there is no need to send crypto currency from one supplier to another. All in one application and do not have to rush between exchanges and banks. Users will be able to store and access their crypto-currency funds directly from the HubrisOne application. Full possession of keys, freedom, it is planned to add up to 200 crypto-currencies, as well as altcoyins. A simple transfer between the crypto currency purse and yourHubrisOne bank account, transfers around the world using a secure HubrisOne debit card, sending crypto currency to friends, family or exchange in a few clicks.

The campaign is legally registered in the UK: 11529615.   HubrisOne will be authorized by the Financial Authority Authority (FCA) through our UK card issuer as an authorized agent, in accordance with the license of the institution of electronic money. Thus granting HubrisOne access to the EEA permit for all 31 EU countries in the EU. The introduction of electronic money license and regulation to enable and stimulate innovation in a safe and controlled manner.

Information for the investor: 
Private sale: 01 Dec`18-23 Dec`18 
Presale: 01 Dec`18-21 Dec`18 
Public sale: 01 Jan`19-15 Feb`19 
Cap: 16 000 000 USD 
Goal: 800 000 USD 
Price : 1 Hubris = 0.01 USD 
Blockchain: Ethereum
Additional information can be obtained from the technical documentation of the 
HubrisOne Whitepaper Final.pdf project , as well as to ask questions of interest in the main thread of the project or in the https://tchat
The bounty campaign with a pool of  10,000,000 HBRS,  which will be distributed as follows:

Of the features: You need to join the chat 
Telegrams:  and 
 bounty chat: . 
Author :
BitcoinTalk username: typhucoin2

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