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WatchUGot tokensale capabilities. Project App.

Good afternoon friends! As I promised earlier, now I will tell you about the basic prints and details of conducting an ICO of a remarkable project called WatchUGot.
Now, the cryptocurrency market continues to be in a downtrend and we are simply obliged to use the opportunity to invest in such projects.
Specifically, I really like this project because development team will have created their own multiwire that will be installed on the phone. This is a very useful innovation2.jpg
WatchUGot takes a simple, user-friendly approach to integrating conventional
Ethereum wallets. As users earn WUG, RIVL and token-badges they’re stored in a
secure, blockchain wallet and accessed from the My Wallets tab → (user’s) Account
page. They streamlined approach allows users to automatically generate unique
token wallet addresses upon registration-verification, then access features enabling;
management, storage, purchasing and token exchange.
Now lets talk about token sale.
As you can see on the picture, now is the best time to invest in a product, because the closer to the end of sales, the greater will be the price of the token.
A minted supply of 1,000,000,000 WUG tokens will be generated for distribution during the Initial Coin Offering. An
anticipated 4% (40,000,000) of significantly discounted tokens will be eligible for purchase to select early-adopters
during the “Pre-ICO” phase. During the main ICO phases, 6% (60,000,000) of tokens will be distributed to eligible
participants at discounted thresholds.
• Week 1 – 2 → 50% Discount / Amount 14,000,000 @ $0.08
• Weed 3 – 4 → 40% Discount / Amount 14,000,000 @ $0.09
• Week 5 – 6 → 30% Discount / Amount 16,000,000 @ $0.11
• Week 7 – 8 → 20% Discount / Amount 16,000,000 @ $0.12
The Hard-Cap Goal of the project is 60,007 ETH – and Soft-Cap Goal is 6,484 ETH
Here you can see main technical terms of ICO:
Name:WatchUGot (WUG)
Fixed Limit:±8,107,000 USD
(60,007 ETH)
Soft Cap:±875,988 USD
(6,484 ETH)
Exchange:1 ETH = ±1,340 WUG
Min Purchase:0.2 ETH / 174.46 WUG
Starts:January 4 (12:00 AM)
Ends:March 31 (11:59 PM)
BUY TOKENS NOW -75% OFF - That's what i am talking about!
Без названия.jpg
Thank's for Attention!
Next time i would describe the development and PR team of this project!
Some cool links for you:

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