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MYTVCHAIN - The first web-based television platform dedicated to sports clubs, working on blockchain technology.

The first web-based television platform dedicated to sports clubs, working on blockchain technology.

French Web TV-caster MYTVCHAIN is proud to present and showcase the first web TV platform dedicated to sports clubs and athletes, powered by blockchain technology, at Blockshow Asia in Singapore, their first foray into Asia. The platform allows sports clubs to create their own web TV and animate their communities whilst simultaneously generating revenue to develop and support their activities, thereby helping sports clubs to build brand loyalty and accelerate growth in the development of sport club channels.

With advertising-based revenue models in media generally declining on the web, sports clubs need to find new sources of funding video content and dissemination. MYTVCHAIN is providing that answer in the form of a community-driven blockchain-powered platform. Users of MYTVCHAIN are rewarded in tokens for viewing content on the platform and can utilize these tokens for a variety of transactions – from supporting their favorite clubs or content producers with donations to purchasing services or videos from MYTVCHAIN and more. The platform is up and running and already onboards its first sports clubs in France.

The MYTVCHAIN platform facilitates and incentivizes transactions within its ecosystem by implementing tokenization and crowdfunding. To facilitate ease of token purchase for its ICO (Initial Coin Offering), MYTVCHAIN is deploying a fiat-based payment gateway, using money transfers for payments. This is good news for the larger community who may be new to but interested in cryptocurrencies, as it breaks down the ‘crypto barrier’. Seasoned crypto investors will still be able to purchase tokens using crypto-based payments.

The MYTVCHAIN token is already pre-approved to be listed on established exchange at the end of the ICO, with more exchanges to be announced at a later stage, a sure sign that the token is poised to be of interest even to the risk-averse. MYTVCHAIN welcomes interested individuals to their private investor meetup at the Fullerton Bay Hotel in Singapore on 30th November. To register interest, please contact

At the end of the ICO, the Reward scheme can only be unlocked through the MyTV Fan vs. MyTV Token conversion mechanism and from 12 months from the date the MyTV Fan tokens are received. In addition, all the tokens that will not be sold during the various tours of the ICO will not be destroyed but converted to MyTV Fan tokens (in order to fund the various programs of Reward in the long term which are consubstantial to the project of MyTV Chain).
MyTVchain video technical infrastructure
MyTVchain's technology is based on "Decentralized Video System". The Blockchain has the power to fundamentally disrupt the video industry as it introduces a whole new decentralized model for content distribution. In the Blockchain, computers around the world work together in a Peer-to-Peer network to work on tasks.
Virtuous cycle
The more users, the more sales and revenues up, the tokens will motivate the clubs to produce more quality content to the community and recommend the platform in their respective network.
ICO Details
ICO Start Date (UTC)2019-01-02 12:00
ICO End Date (UTC)2019-04-03 12:00
Coin/Token Price1 MyTV = $0.10
ICO Coin/Token for Sale (CAP)1750000000
Total Supply of Coins/Tokens3900000000



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