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What's MUST?

MUST-the first exchange in the world that gives investors access to real-time asset monitoring, cash flow and risk.

MUST ecosystem is the world's first block-based platform, assuming the circulation of digital bonds within the scope of motor transport rentals, equipment, construction, and specialized equipment.
Based on MUST standards, our team created a decentralized financing system for small and medium enterprises worldwide, based on the tokenisasi end products and assets of the market financed.The MUST system allows small and medium sized companies to receive financing for acquisition of the assets needed to produce the final product of the market. An entity may acquire assets, judgments to be made in the final product unit of the market, and financing will also be provided in the final product unit. This approach allows the company to realize the final product, which will be produced in the future, and to acquire the assets produced for the production of this product.
The token holder must have access to all ecosystem services and offers from a value-based economy. Token MUST grant the holder the right to discount when paying commissions on MUST Exchange according to the following schedule:
Ø HB - 2019 Q4 - 50%
Ø 2020 Q1 - 2020 Q4 - 75%
Ø 2021 Q1 - 2021 Q4 - 80%
Ø 2022 Q1 - 2022 Q4 - 90%
All tokens received by the MUST system as commission payments will be burned. After listing on the exchange, tokens MUST also be exchanged for crypto-active or other fiat currencies.
Number of tokens issued 500 000 000 Additional emissions not provided. And tokens MUST be issued according to the ERC223 standard on the Ethereum network.
Token holders will have access to all services and offers of the ecosystem of the value-based economy. Within the system, MUST tokens can also be exchanged for any available tokenized assets and end products, such as kilometers, hours, etc.
MUST tokens can also be sold or exchanged for any other crypto assets or currency on the exchange. Number of released tokens 200 000 000

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